Andrew Smith

Andrew is a process control engineer with over 25 years of experience in R&D, Process Control, Innovation and Product Development. Working in UK, Europe and East Africa, he has worked in a variety of roles including entrepreneur, employee and consultant in a variety of sectors including glass manufacture, water purification, wastewater treatment and equipment manufacture.
Andrew joined LBBC in 2020 as part of a KTP program with Leeds University and Innovate UK before joining LBBC full time in Aug 2022 to continue developing LBBC’s new breed of process equipment that is cloud-connected and enabling valued insights on the process and equipment performance for both LBBC and their customers. His current role leverages process insights to develop new features or technologies that deliver added value to our I.C. customers.
Andrew became a chartered engineer in 2003 and holds a B.Eng in Electronic Control and Systems Engineering, an MSc. in Water and Wastewater Treatment, and a postgraduate diploma in business from Lancaster University.
Monday 8th May 2023